On Wed 1999-04-28 (20:31), Pike wrote:
> Hi
> >> That was my original complaint ... the qmail rpm swoops itself all over
> >> your fs symlinking every possible place where someone would possibly look
> >> for it.
> >
> >I haven't installed from RPM so I may be wrong, but surely there are only two
> >locations for each file, one in the FSSTND location and one in /var/qmail?
> Yes, you're right ... I charged that :-)
> except for the docs ( they're _only_ in /usr/doc)
> and for the mqueue (it's _only_ in /var/qmail)
> So there are max 2 locations for each file somewhere on your fs,
> either the fsstnd place or in /var/qmail, or both.  Still with me ?

Well that's easy enough to fix. Just hack the spec file to put the files
elsewhere. Perhaps change the spec file to move directories instead of

> The docs and the man-pages don't refer to these fsstnd locations at all,
> so it's all just very confusing. If it's not fsstnd, don't fake it, and if you
> do fake it, do it right.

You could use Perl to to in place editing of the man pages.

> Overall conclusion: _don't_use_the_rpm_to_install_qmail_
> At least, not my build, which was done by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sorry david.

Well, David just created an rpm that worked for him and was kind enough to
share it with the rest of us. He and the other rpm maintainers have been very
open to suggestions for improvements and changes. There are other rpms by Mate
Wierdl, Bruce Guenter and Mr Sam that I know about. I've used both David's
and Mate's rpms and they've worked well for me.

RPMS usually provide extra features like init scripts that I find useful, and
if you want to understand how the package was installed you can always take a
look at the spec file. It lists what patches where applied and the process
used to take the source and install it. You can change it as necessary and
make a new rpm if you need to.

> *PIKE*

  - Keith
Keith Burdis - MSc (Com Sci) - Rhodes University, South Africa  
WWW     : http://www.rucus.ru.ac.za/~keith/
IRC     : Panthras                                          JAPH

"Any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from a perl script"

Standard disclaimer.

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