Hello all

Sorry if this is a repetition but I suppose I goofed up
sending the message yesterday...

I would like to have qmail setup to receive mail
for 2 different domains. But would like the addresses
from those domains to be routed for different users on
the machine. Example:
        name@domain1 --> user 'abc'
        name@domain2 --> user 'def'
So I went to the users/assign and setup 
But qmail-lspawn doesn't seem to find these addresses.
I did a little snooping on qmail-lspawn.c and found out that
qmail-lspawn truncates the domain part  'r[at] = 0;', so
theres no way it will find out the address/user properly.

Removing 'r[at] = 0;' on 'qmail-lspawn.c' does the work
but then I have an unstable qmail...

Can someone help me?  What am I doing wrong? Is there other
way of doing this ?

Joao Pagaime

PS: mail does get to "qmail-spawn" but it doesn't find out
the addresses on the table...

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