I found the problem, it was the ldap patch loading control files in the
wrong way in qmail-lspawn.
> ----------
> From: Harald Hanche-Olsen[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 1999 12:25 PM
> Subject: Re: move the queue
> + Van Liedekerke Franky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> | 929610000.245483 alert: cannot start: hath the daemon spawn no fire?
> As far as I can tell from a quick look at the source, that means that
> either qmail-lspawn or qmail-rspawn fails to communicate. You might
> wish to trace system calls and see what is going on.
> | I followed the hints for moving the
> | queue like told in the README file provided with queue-fix.
> | Is it possible that qmail doesn't like a symbolic link?
> Not likely. qmail-send just changes to the queue directory, and
> hollers if it can't (a different kind of hollering than you saw).
> Actually, now that I think of it, I would suspect that something bad
> happened to the files in queue/lock when you moved the directory to a
> different file system. I am not sure if queue-fix fixes that?
> - Harald