On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Eric Dahnke wrote:

ED>Hello List,
ED>We're having a problem with a mailserver. The machine does about 11,000
ED>msgs a day. At heaviest times smtp concurrency goes up to 60/150 or
ED>70/150. During these times load avg goes up to 20, and syslog is eating
ED>%70 of CPU. At that point the messages and maillog files are at say 20M
ED>each. If we dev/null the logs, load returns to 1 2 or 3 load avg.
ED>I saw a few articles in the archives about this. Seems that syslog isn't
ED>up to the task. Comments, on whether syslog is the culprit, and what
ED>logging mechanism to switch to welcome?

Check out cyclog-part of the daemontools package:


--Matt Schnierle
--mgs at stargate dot net
--Stargate Industries, LLC
--#include <std/disclaimer.h>
--"It's not that simple."

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