If you want a serious web-based solution to anything, start with the robust.
Go to www.php.net

PHP is a server-side scripting language that, among many other things, can
talk to a wide variety of databases. Unlike iHTML, or Allaire's Cold Fusion,
or ASP, it is open-source, and I would say far superior.

Currently, I use w-agora for user forums and it is very very good. At my
work I use Cold Fusion all the time and I think PHP is much much better.

There are many open source projects listed on www.php.net including a few
web-based email systems that use IMAP since PHP has IMAP functions built-in.

So, by setting up PHP, IMAP, and one of those open source projects you will
be standing on solid ground as you try to make improvements and enhance it
for the rest of us (of course you will).

One snag you might run into. There has been a lot of talk back and forth
about how well IMAP works with Maildirs so that could be a snag.

Alex Miller

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gentry L. Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, June 19, 1999 5:37 PM
> Subject: Web Based E-Mail
> I am looking for suggestion on an open-source Web based e-mail system.
> -Gentry-
> GarfNet Internet Service Provider

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