I used the Memphis distribution which I got from the qmail.org sit a link
called RPM (it's on moni something)
My current status is:
Deliveries work great.
Virtual Domains, and hosting works great.
POP3 authentication (checking mail from the outside world) fails
SAMBA is broken (I think due to the fact that the Memphis distribution
installs it's own TCP handling)
There have been a lot of helpful suggestions since Sunday as to what might
be wrong with POP3. My guess is that I need to change the qmail-pop3d.init
scripts in the rc#.d files to S...blah rather than K...blah so the sequence
is correct (this is one of the suggestions)
Since Sunday night I haven't been able to get to my Linux machine long
enough to try these suggestions. I'll keep the list appraised of what pans
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gene Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, June 21, 1999 5:41 PM
> To: Alex Miller
> Subject: RE: Newbie Question - Please Read!
> I have tried one RPM. It didn't work. Can you point me to the RPM you
> used. (Yes, I am running RedHat Linux.) Also, are you able to check mail
> from the outside world? I want to be able to read and send from a client
> Mac, and a client PC. If the RPM you used didn't get you this far, than I
> might end up with half a system and totally confused to the point that I
> can't finish the job myself.
> thanks for the reply. - gene
> >well, if you have Redhat Linux like I do here has been my experience.
> >
> >I installed QMail using the tarball, running through each step
> carefully by
> >hand, and with help from members on this list, finally got it to work. I
> >could send mail out (unlike you) but I couldn't recieve remote
> email. I was
> >sure that I had done something wrong with the remove sendmail
> steps since my
> >system did not have things configured exactly as described in
> the INSTALL,
> >and I wasn't that confident in my guesses.
> >
> >So last night I took down the RPM's (a whole bunch of them, and set the
> >whole thing up, deleting my qmail install, rpm'ing the src, then
> rpming the
> >required preinstall stuff, and finally rpming qmail).
> >
> >When I rebooted it worked and was very different. There was a whole new
> >qmail process running when I did ps-aux, there was no
> /var/qmail/rc file at
> >all, there was a whole slew of extra .qmail-*** files in my alias folder,
> >and lo and behold it worked, in particular, I could now send myself mail
> >from the outside world.
> >
> >So my feeling is that Redhat systems are sufficiently different from the
> >norm that their own unique install of QMail is required and the
> only way to
> >get that right now, is by using RPM's.
> >
> >Alex Miller
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: gene Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >> Sent: Saturday, June 19, 1999 1:25 AM
> >> Subject: Re: Newbie Question - Please Read!
> >>
> >>
> >> I just tried this howto. It is the best one yet for helping understand
> >> this system. But, I still can't get smtp to work. That is if
> I send from
> >> another place to my system with qmail, it is bouced back. I get this
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Hi. This is the qmail-send program at mail.surfup.com.
> >> I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
> >> addresses.
> >> This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
> >>
> >> Sorry. Although I'm listed as a best-preference MX or A for that host,
> >> it isn't in my control/locals file, so I don't treat it as
> local. (#5.4.6)
> >> ---
> >>
> >> I feel like I'm getting somewhere with this. But, I have no
> idea how I'm
> >> going to get POP mail working.
> >>
> >> - gene
> >>
> >>
> >> At 1:06 AM -0400 6/19/99, Dale Miracle wrote:
> >> >> Kevin King wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> I recently got my RH Linux box working wtith Qmail (with a
> huge amount
> >> >> of help from Dave Sill). When I installed Qmail setup the following
> >> >> files as such:
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >I found this web site tonight that might help some people. I am also
> >> >trying to setup qmail my self because sendmail's virtual mail setup is
> >> >EVIL..I hate m4 and makemap <shudder>. Any how here is the link
> >> >http://www.flounder.net/qmail/qmail-howto.html
> >> >
> >> >I found it while searching through many howto's and web pages
> trying to
> >> >make sense of the hundreds of interpretations of the qmail doc's. I
> >> >read it all the way through and it sounds pretty good...to bad I found
> >> >it at 1 am :( I have been staring at this monitor of mine for over 3
> >> >hours now. I think I am just going to remove what I have and install
> >> >qmail fresh tomorrow.
> >> >I hope this help's, I know it made more sense to me...
> >> > Later,
> >> >--
> >> >
> >> >Dale Miracle
> >> > System Administrator
> >> > Teoi Net
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>