On Fri, Aug 20, 1999 at 10:21:42AM -0400, Steve Tylock wrote:
> (I used qmail for my tiny site within Kodak 3 years ago, and have
> just converted my new employer (~200 accounts) to it...)
> We have an automated environment where an LDAP server is the key data
> repository.  Users manage aliases and forwarding through a web page.
> With sendmail, a backend took the data and massaged it into an
> /etc/aliases file.
> I have fastforward, and have modified most of the backend to work
> with ~user/.qmail, and still run the rest out of /etc/aliases.
> I'd like this backend to work as a user other than root, but
> newaliases requires the file /etc/aliases.tmp, and I can't make
> that a link...
> Any ideas on solutions short of:
>   using a group permission on /etc
>   hacking into the newaliases code myself
I am not quite sure, but a grep over the sources showed that the position
/etc/aliases.tmp is only twice found in newaliases.c, so I guess replacing
this one should be enough.


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