>What should I use in the way of var-qmail.
>My understanding is that it needs to be compiled on each machine, but
>as this is a fresh install, but maybe used for upgrades, I am concerned
>UID's. Should I simply create a .rpm from the source supplied or can
>recommend a better method.

Since this will be your distribution, you can just reserve the qmail
uids. In this case, you can get away with a very simple spec file to
build qmail (I can tell you if you need it).

But you might be concerned about people who would like to upgrade
their RH system to yours (probably bad idea though).

Then you could test and remove their qmail users if they are not with
the specified uids.  Or use the var-qmail package as it is now.  It
does not have to be compiled on the install system at all.  As the
README explains: 

1) take qmail-1.03-*.src.rpm (this does not contain the qmail sources,
   but the qmail binaries), do 

   rpm --rebuild qmail-1.03-*.src.rpm

   This adds the qmail users if they do not yet exist, edits the
   binaries for the qmail uids/gids, and builds


2) which then can be installed in the usual way.  

Since you install qmail with the base system, and compilation does not
happen, users will not notice at all that you are doing a bit
nonstandard rpm install.


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