----- Original Message ----- >
> As a first try, you could try to present a valid message to
> qmail-inject:
> # echo to: bollox | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject

Sorry, that was a typo. I did exactly the line you suggested.

> If it still fails, turn on process tracing (if your system allows it)
> and see what happens to the process.

Do you mean I should trace qmail-queue? If so, how do I do that when
qmail-queue is invoked from qmail-inject?

I tried tracing qmail-inject but I couldn't figure out why qmail-queue was
killed. Here's the tail of the trace. Any further ideas?

# echo to: bollox | truss /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject > & junk
# tail junk
close(4)                                        = 0
write(6, " F r o o t @ c r a p .".., 67)      = 67
write(6, "\0", 1)                               = 1
close(6)                                        = 0
    Received signal #18, SIGCLD, in wait() [default]
      siginfo: SIGCLD CLD_KILLED pid=2415 status=0x000B
wait()                                          = 2415 [0x000B]
qmail-inject: fatal: qmail-queue was killed
write(2, " q m a i l - i n j e c t".., 44)      = 44

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