On Thu, 30 Sep 1999 20:14:28 +0200, Tony Wade wrote:

>should it be 
>or is it fine to have it as is ? 

man dot-qmail | grep relevant_info:

            qmail-local  takes  the  rest  of  the line as a mail
            address; it uses qmail-queue to forward  the  message
            to  that  address.   The address must contain a fully
            qualified domain name;  it  must  not  contain  extra
            spaces, angle brackets, or comments:

                 # the following examples are WRONG
                 &<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                 & [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                 &[EMAIL PROTECTED] (New Address)

            If  the  address  begins with a letter or number, you
            may leave out the ampersand:

                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Sincerely, Fred

(Frederik Lindberg, Infectious Diseases, WashU, St. Louis, MO, USA)

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