On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 12:30:15PM -0500, Keith Lee wrote:
>    I've just installed the latest version of qmail and am trying to get
> Maildirs working.  Is there anyway to globally tell qmail to use
> Maildirs for all my users with out creating a .qmail file for each one?

Hello Keith,
- first make sure your startscript specifies ./Maildir/ as delivery target.
- I am afraid you need to create a Maildir for every user as well, so echo
  .qmail should be no problem as well, sth like:
        - assume your users all have GID 5?? (like on RedHat)
                cd /home
                for i in $(awk -F: '$3~/5[0-9][0-]/{print $1}'}); do
                        su $i -c 'maildirmake '$i'/Maildir && echo "./Maildir/" > 

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