On Sun, Nov 07, 1999 at 04:21:20PM -0500, Russell Nelson wrote:
> Sam writes:
>  > Yes.  Even off a T1, there's a measurable difference between ~10 MB and ~1
>  > MB worth of traffic.
> And??  Don't hold us in suspense.  What was the difference in delivery
> times?

I was going to keep quiet but how about we all listen to someone in another
country to has to deal with "real world" speeds the rest of the world has
access to instead of all these impossible-to-believe speeds USA sites have
(that means me ;-)

We have a 64Kb Frame Relay link with burst to 128Kb. We have users here
sending their current favourite 3 Mb MP3 file to 30 friends - effectively
taking our Internet link offline for the next several hours. Qmail being the
great bandwidth chewer it is suddenly has 20 concurrent qmail-remotes
running all delivering the same Email message to 20 different people - some
of who are on the same server (i.e. hotmail.com). I've actually upped our
concurrency limit due to this "feature" of qmail. Of course another
side-effect of this is that other users mail ends up being queued as the
concurrency limit's been hit.

Fact: Sendmail would have used less bandwidth in this _specific_ situation.
In general - in our situation -  sendmail and qmail are identical in

Fact: I don't care. Even with this issue - I still prefer qmail. This is a
issue I  (and therefore those I work for) am  willing to live with...

The reality is that I want some perfect mailer that can allow me to use
features of sendmail and qmail. And of course it's so complicated that I
screw it up at every turn. Oh yeah - that's right - I already use that -
it's called MS Exchange! ;-)


Jason Haar

Unix/Network Specialist, Trimble NZ
Phone: +64 3 3391 377 Fax: +64 3 3391 417

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