> I read the documentation of qmail-inject and it would do what I want
> if I could filter out the old "Date" line.
> I can't (almost) write in Perl. I can write a C program. But first I
> wanted to know if there is some already done script/program which
> would delete a chosen line from RFC822 header. I don't want to
> reinvent a wheel.

I've been reinventing wheels for decades.  Here's a perl one-liner
for you to strip out the first date header and pass everything else:
(will be odd but not fatal if the date header wraps.)

perl -ne 'print if($m or ($m = /^Date:/ and next) or ($m = ! /\w/) or 1

Which goes through every line in the file and prints it, except
for the first time the line starts Date, unless of course if
that is after the first blank line.

                      David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      End Daylight Savings Time in the year 2000 --just say NO

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