> I have a qmail server up and running GREAT.. all is well..
> BUT... I want to bring up another that will Que up mail 
> should the real mail
> server crash, need rebooting, Melt down to slag, or ETC......
> Anyone have a how-to for that ?..

        Build a second server with qmail.  On the second server, instead of
listing your domain(s) in 'locals' and 'rcpthosts', list your domain in
'smtproutes' and 'rcpthosts'.  'smtproutes' is described in 'man

        Create an MX entry for both your main and your secondary server, and
make sure that the secondary server has a higher MX value (i.e, main is MX
5, secondary is MX 10).  

        If main is down, mail will queue up on the secondary.  If main is
down for more than 7 days, tweak your 'queuelifetime' so that it won't
bounce.  When the main server comes back up, send qmail-send a SIGALRM to
tell it to clear out the queue.

        gowen -- Greg Owen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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