Dave Kitabjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Regarding: http://web.infoave.net/~dsill/lwq.html#multi-rcpt
>Dave S,
>I'm having trouble accepting this logic. You mention 3 options:
>"Say you're an MTA, and one of your users sends a message to three
>people on hostx.example.com. There are several ways you could do this.
>       1. You could open an SMTP connection to hostx, send a copy of
>the message to the first user, send a copy to the second user, send a
>copy to the third user, then close the connection. 
>       2. You could start three processes, each of which opens an SMTP
>connection to hostx, sends a copy of the message to one of the users,
>then closes the connection. 
>       3. You could open an SMTP connection to host, send a copy of the
>message addressed to all three users, then close the connection. "
>and that qmail uses option #2. Clearly, the rank of efficiency is, from
>best to worst,: 3, 1, 2

That's the rank of bandwidth efficiency, yes. Bandwidth isn't the only 
consideration, though, and I think this section covers the others
pretty well (speed, VERP's, simplicity of design).

>We had a situation with a customer who was consulting for a college. So
>every few days, she had to send a 10MB PowerPoint file to about 50
>recipients at that college. Under qmail, a separate thread was opened up
>for each qmail-remote. 

1) qmail was designed for well-connected hosts,
2) SMTP was not designed for this type of use. FTP or HTTP would be
   better because they're "pull" protocols, not "push" protocols,
   so they allow those with the desire and the bandwidth to retrieve
   the files, and,
3) this is one of those pathological cases I referred to where
   single RCPT is slower than multi-RCPT.

>We love qmail, and it's working very well for us in general. But I'm
>having a hard time reconciling your logic in this paragraph. Perhaps you
>could clarify for me.

I don't see where my login needs reconciling. I said "Single RCPT
delivery does use more bandwidth than multiple RCPT delivery..." and
"there are pathological cases where it can be slower than multiple
RCPT", but that's not inconsistent with single RCPT being faster in
most cases and better overall.


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