Hi James,

Sad to say, this list's subscribership is just like many of the technical
lists I participate in.  There are many who maintain a level of empathy,
exhibit patience and offer resolute advice... BUT ... there a some who
are... uummmm.... not exhibiting those qualities.

That kind of reception creates a restricted maillist where people who have
legitimate needs hesitate to post publicly for fear of a public putdown.
So lurkers are born, waiting in the wings, hoping that someone else will
post their same problem and elicit a solution... or they spend valuable
time searching through archives.  Kind of sad, imo.

Not that this will make it all better, but typically members the former
group cringed when they see posts from the latter group that berate a
newbie.  I, for one, am glad you posted your comments and would encourage
those who have needs to do exactly what you've done, research a solution,
try it, ask for help, ignore the "non-helpful" folks.

Guess we all have to chalk the nasty posts up to one or more of the following:

1) Having a generally bad day
2) Being constipated
3) Probable immaturity
4) Financial problems
5) Dog died
6) Other




At 06:55 AM 05/13/2000 , you wrote:
>Of course I realize that reading the manual, going through the steps of
>Life With Qmail or viewing the FAQs is the best first step.. but once one
>takes every step mentioned, and things STILL don't work, it's very hard to
>maintain calm as people *keep* suggesting that it's a good idea to read
>the manual.
>Just as those who have been around forever get upset with hearing the same
>questions over and over, new users who follow proper steps and STILL have
>problems also get tired of hearing about "reading the #$$% manual."  

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Nikki Cook
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