Hi all,

I'd like to solve the following problems:
1. SMTP: I configured tcp.smtp like this, to accept
    e-mails only for these IP subnets:
    However, I entered from other ISP, with
    address and SMTP sents
    my email. I boot Linux but the same behaviour
    continues to occurr.
2. QMailAdmin: for 10, 20, 50 users, I think
    QMailAdmin is very nice. However, I already
    have more than 600 users, and when I enter
    with postmaster, to administer the email accounts,
    I have to spent more than FIVE minutes, using
    Netscape. I'm using the "graphical interface" from
    lynx, cause performance !!!
    Is there a way to change the HTML skeleton pages
    to show only the buttons, NOT the users list. I think
    the access may be faster than.
2. QMailAdmin II: I created some users (+/- 103 users)
    into a domain. All Maildir folders was created into
    .../domains/fes.br/ (fes.br is my domain). After these 103,
    folders like 0/, 1/, ... was created automatically by QMail.
    At this point, no problems!
    However, if one of these new users created into these folders
    try to use QMailAdmin to change password, the system arises
    an exception talking about "There already is a user logged with
    postmaster" (something like this) and the new doesnt get to
    change your password. I have to change password user per
    user, with postmaster account.
    The major users were created with QMailAdmin and some with
    vadduser. Both users arises the exception.
    The strange is: the first users created get to change password
    into Web QMailAdmin...

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