> I found out from top that mysqld is taking most of the
> cpu utilization. Now how to customize it? 

        That's a better question for a MySQL list.  The problem can fall
into one of three categories:

1) MySQL itself has a bug which is being exercised and which needs fixing
2) Your company's code is inefficiently using MySQL and should be optimized
3) MySQL is fine, your code is fine, you just need more server for 24000

        You'll need to find a MySQL resource that can help you with those
questions.  This list isn't it.

> Server is hanging up and it won't respond to ctrl-alt-del 

        I would definitely raise that on a MySQL list.  I have never seen a
server with MySQL hit that failure mode, but my MySQL server experience was
with much smaller installations.  There are probably MySQL diagnostics and
logs which can help you figure out why things are getting that bad.

      gowen -- Greg Owen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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