Steve Lewis writes:
> I RTFMP and RTFFAQ, and followed the directions there:
>  add to virtualhosts
>  add to rcpthosts
>  kill -HUP the qmail-send proc

Correct (except that ``virtualhosts'' should be ``virtualdomains'').

> But, I had to create a .qmail-starfire-default before local-local mail
> to the virtdomain would work.  Otherwise I was getting:
>  > Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)

That's the way it goes. It is documented in the manpages
qmail-send(8) and dot-qmail(5).

> And this is the crux of _my_ problem (with virtual domains).  Local
> delivery can be made to work, but if the mail comes from the outside it
> doesn't recognise the destination as a virtual host.  Is this because the
> DNS record for is a CNAME of
> rather than another record?

Yes. See for the explanation.
You may want to replace the CNAME record with an MX record
(or an A record).

> Very wrong.  We have no user 'nonexistant' ... where is the bounce?  This
> can make it rather difficult to find the message I sent to

The log indicates that the recipient address in question is
controlled by the dot-qmail file that contains comments only.
Most likely the controlling dot-qmail file is ~alias/.qmail-default.

Tetsu Ushijima

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