Good morning, all!

Regarding my previous message, I have still been unable to resolve my
problem, despite reviewing the more popular references such as LWQ and the
qmail faq.  I understand that the solution may be as plain as day to many of
you, however, as I mentioned in my subject as well as below, I'm new to
qmail and not that experienced with Linux.  So if some kind soul could take
a minute to shed a little light, I'd be most grateful.

Thanks in advance!

John Romero

> HI, all!
> I'm trying to install qmail for the first time on a backup server we have
> running Linux redhat v5.2.  I have gone throught the LIFE WITH QMAIL
> which I find very useful, but when I try to start qmail I get the
> error on my screen, scrolling over and over:
> supervise: fatal: unable to start qmail-smtpd/run: exec format error
> Can someone give me a clue as to what is causing this error?
> I am new to qmail, and my mastery of Linux is only nominal, so any help
> this matter would be greatly appreciated!
> thanks!
> John Romero

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