Devinder writes:
 > Hi !!
 > I have a very long mail queue of about 3,00,000 messages .. is
 > there a way I can save these messages somewhere and deliver them
 > later using some script or something and clean up the queue now.

3 lakh messages isn't that much, even if your conf-split is still at
23.  If you're routinely going to have that many messages in your
queue, you should increase conf-split.  The easiest way to do that is
like this:

Assumption: you're running qmail under daemontools 0.70, and you're
using /var/qmail as the service directory.

  o move your existing copy of qmail to a different location.
  o the rest of these instructions assume /var/qmail2.
  o make two copies of the source tree, one for qmail and the other
    for qmail2.
  o Go to the qmail2 source tree (currently they're both the same).
  o modifying the first line of conf-qmail to read: /var/qmail2.
  o recompile qmail.
  o stop qmail, smtpd, pop3, and any other service that accesses qmail.
  o remove the symlink in /service that points to qmail
  o mv /var/qmail to /var/qmail2
  o make a symlink from /var/qmail2 to /service/qmail2
  o don't start qmail2 yet (it's supervise is still running, but is down.)
  o Now go to the source tree for qmail.
  o Edit conf-split to have a largeish prime number like 521 (close to 
    a square root of your expected queue size).
  o mkdir /var/qmail
  o make setup check
  o restore the symlink in /service that points to qmail
  o start all the services again.
  o In a week, after all the mail messages in the queue have been
    delivered or bounced, you can stop and remove /var/qmail2.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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