hello  friends  

 i have configured qmail with qmail -ldap -latest -patch  
it was working fine for me till today  , today i am getting this message 
in my /var/log/maillog file  

defferal :  problems_while_trying_to_get_maildir_size :_Access_denied 
( QUOTA # 1.1.1 )

 following is description of what i have done just before getting these
messages in my /var/log/maillog file 


mailQuota : 1000000S,100C

actually i was trying to check  this quota check  feature by enabling it
and  defining it in LDAP  entrie 

then i send many mail  to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   to exceed the quota that i had
defined for him  

i am using /Maildir/  format for   mails 

when  user  have exceeded quota defined  with mailQuota  : he got the 
quotawarning messages  from  ~/control/quotawarning    file   

  once quota exceeded  other  messages  to same user gets queued  
i have checked that with 

qmail-qstat   and q,ail-qread  scripts in /var/qmail/bin  

 then i have deleted  few mails from  /Mailsdir/new  dir of that user 

but still getting the same  messages in maillog  then i have deleted all
the mail messages in that users  /Maildir/new /  but user was't getting 
any mails  that were queued for him 

then i have deleted the /Maildir /  directory including  maildirsize  file 

and created both these manually   

but this has not solved  my problem  

i am still getting the same  quota (1.1.1 ) ERROR  : maildirsize  access
denied   ,  deferral    

please guide  me what should i do  now to rectify the error 

warmest regards 
Prashant desai

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