Try vpopmail in for virtual accounts. All your accounts are
reached through one entry in /etc/passwd

Esteban Javier Próspero

> -----Original Message-----
> From: çééí äìôøï [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2000 11:36 AM
> To:   Paul Jarc; Qmail
> Subject:      RE: and yet another NEWBIE question
> Hello
> OK, i dont want the users to be system accounts, but how else can i
> configure this to work?
> where will i store the usernames and passwords if not in the /etc/passwd?
> for the pop3 test - what i did is:
> telnet 110
> user user
> pass pass
> where the actual password for user user is pass
> it says authorization failed
> when i try this on the linux box directly to qmail-pop3d with the
> checkpassword it works
> please help... im getting very frustrated with this... :-(
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Jarc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2000 1:23 AM
> Subject: Re: and yet another NEWBIE question
> > now, i dont want to have /home/dom1-sales/Mailbox and
> > /home/dom2-sales/Mailbox but instead have /mailuser/dom1-sales/Mailbox
> > and /mailuser/dom2-sales/Mailbox
> > is this possible and if so, how?
> You can make entries for these addresses in /var/qmail/users/assign,
> and let the homedir field be /mailuser/dom1-sales, etc.  Or if these
> addresses have system accounts (which doesn't necessarily sound like
> the best way to do it, but it seems that's what you're doing), then
> you can let /mailuser/dom1-sales be the actual home directory for the
> dom1-sales user.  (How to change an account's home directory depends
> on the kind of system you have; check your system documentation, we
> won't necessarily be able to help you.)
> > also, i inserted the command for pop3 as described in life with
> > qmail into the inetd.conf
> > when i test is as instructed on the machine itself it works great
> > but when i telnet to 110 from another machine, the authentication always
> > doesnt accept the password...
> What exactly did you do to test it?  What exactly are you doing when
> it fails?
> paul

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