Dave Sill wrote:

> "James Blondin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Dave Sill wrote:
> >> In that case, qmail is not strictly RFC822 compliant in rejecting
> >> messages with bare linefeeds. Apparently Dan felt that the effort
> >> necessary to allow messages to contain LF's was more trouble than it
> >> was worth--especially considered that 822bis prohibits bare LF's.
> >>
> >This basically answers my question.  My only other query would be as to
> >what made allowing messages to contain LFs so troublesome.
> Any specific
> >reasons?
> qmail stores messages in the queue in the standard UNIX format:
> lines terminated with newlines (LF's). In SMTP, the line terminator is
> <CR><LF>. qmail replaces that with <LF> when it writes the message to
> disk.
> qmail could have used <CR><LF> to terminate lines in the queue files,
> but that would require converting <CR><LF> to <LF> on the fly during
> delivery to files/programs.

Ah, it makes some sense now.  Thanks tons for the information.

-Jamie Blondin

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