> On Fri, Jul 28, 2000 at 11:27:13AM -0500, Craig L. Ching wrote:
> ! Okay, will do.  Can anyone post what the log should look like for a
> ! successful receive by smtpd?
> $ tail /service/smtpd/log/main/current
> @400000003981b5cf063a798c tcpserver: status: 1/40
> @400000003981b5cf0649cf54 tcpserver: pid 30380 from
> @400000003981b5cf073abb1c tcpserver: ok 30380 
> localhost: localhost:
> @400000003981b5cf2793d7f4 tcpserver: end 30380 status 0
> @400000003981b5cf279f1eac tcpserver: status: 0/40
> $ tail /service/qmail/log/main/current
> @400000003981b5cf1637e39c new msg 12548
> @400000003981b5cf16432284 info msg 12548: bytes 2104 from 
> 12047 uid 105
> @400000003981b5cf16d538f4 starting delivery 3956: msg 12548 
> to local cky@localhost
> @400000003981b5cf16e3c39c status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
> @400000003981b5cf1ba4fcfc delivery 3956: success: did_0+0+2/
> @400000003981b5cf1bb890b4 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
> @400000003981b5cf1bbea364 end msg 12548
k, thanks!  If I remember correctly (I know, this is purely speculation!),
this is pretty much what my smtpd log looked like, only I'm looking in
/var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd/current.  I didn't realize there were logs in
/service, so maybe I'll see something different there.  What should the
smtpd do with the message if the log looks like this?  Is it then processed
by my /var/qmail/rc script?  In that case (I'm using procmail right now,
just trying to get this to work) should it then end up on my queue?  Thanks
for the help, I'm still in the "trying to understand it all" phase.  I'll
get my logs and repost (sounds like a good lunch thing to do!).

> Hope that helps,
>       ---Chris K.
> -- 
>  Chris, the Young One |_ heartbleed (OpenBSD/i386) has now 
> been up for 
>   Auckland, New Zealand |_ all of 30 days, 14:47:45 
> http://cloud9.hedgee.com/ |_ 
>  PGP: 0xCCC6114E/0x706A6AAD |_ 


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