hello guys
thanks for your guys ,i have gone through tcpserver & tcprules docs
and created a file named
/etc/tcp.smtp content of which is & local ip address
tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.tmp < /etc/tcp.smtp as
per the documentation of tcpserver and tcprules
and also added -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb to my tcpserver command
after tcpserver as per docs
my tcpserver command as
tcpserver -x /etc/tcpsmtpd/cdb -H -t 2 -l FQDN -C 150 -u uid -g
gid ipaddress smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>$1 |
/var/qmail/bin/splogger recordio qmail-smtpd 3&
also recordio is not logging messages to /var/log/messages
i am using redhat linux 6.1 , qmail 1-03 with qmail-ldap -20000601 patch
and openldap packages
i want to restrict my qmail-smtpd in a way that will stop smtp clients
like microsoft outlook express ,netscape messanger etc sending mails
through my qmail-smtpd as i told you befor its gonna be a webmail system
like hotmail & yahoo so i want to stop relaying of mails through my
so please tell me why its not working for me i am shacking my heads from
last 3-4 days to just achive this
please guide me ,
once more thanks a lot for your help
with warmest Regards
Prashant Desai