On Sat, Jul 29, 2000 at 02:17:19PM +0000, Greg Cope wrote:
> My question is thus - When does a host become well  connected ?

When the bandwidth required to send its mail is significantly smaller
than the bandwidth available.  That is, if you have to send 100,000 5K
messages over a 1 hour period, you would need a T1, and you would fill
it to over 75% capacity.

In general, the concept of "well connected" is dependant on your mail
volume.  If you only have to send a few non-time-sensitive emails a day,
your 9.6Kb modem is well connected.  If you have to pay by the
kilo/mega/giga-byte of traffic, you're probably not well connected.  If
opening up concurrencyremote connections and sending mail kills your
link for other applications using the network, you're not well (enough)
Bruce Guenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       http://em.ca/~bruceg/

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