Dave Sill wrote:
> Martin Sckopke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >we're using a little script to do some header rewriting.
> Sorry, that voids your qmail warranty. :-)

Thought so, too :-)

> >It is called via .qmail-fixup-default.
> >The output of the script is the fed into qmail-inject,
> >Almost everything works as expected, there's just one
> >problem: if a mail is sent to multiple users, EACH of
> >them gets it multiple times. The number of individual
> >mails is equal to the number or receivers.
> >
> >The .qmail-fixup-default script is called n-times and
> >calls qmail-inject n-times (n is the number of receivers),
> >then qmail-inject sends each message n times.
> If you re-inject the messages N times, wouldn't you expect to receive
> N copies? Unless your script re-injects it only for that copy's
> recipient..
Since I haven't been able to find the cause for our problem, I wanted
once more on the list:
The script re-injects a message it gets via std-in to qmail-inject

qmail-inject -f $SENDER -- < msg

But it looks like the script is called multiple times, but by whom?
Is this done by qmail-smtpd ?
How often does qmail-smtdp queue the message when there are 
multiple recipients either in CC: or TO: ??

> >We have this setup running for some years now but
> >recently upgraded hardware, kernel and qmail version.
> >Qmail was 1.01 and is now 1.03. Hardware is Intel,
> >OS is Linux.
> What I can't figure out is how you managed to avoid duplicates
> before...
I can't either :-(

GiS - Gesellschaft fuer integrierte Systemplanung mbH
Martin Sckopke                   Tel. +49-6201-503-74
Junkersstr. 2                    Fax  +49-6201-503-66
D-69469 Weinheim          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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