As has been discussed recently on the qmail list, the RSS people have stopped
providing TXT records for the zone, which breaks
rblsmtpd. It's been reported that they were having problems with the size of
the zone; I imagine that this means thatBIND was having problems with the size
of the zone.

As an experiment, I AXFRed a copy of the zone, formatted
it for rbldns, and compiled it into a cdb with rbldns-data. I added a line that

: Open relay problem - see$

which is all that's required for rbldns to return the appropriate A and TXT 
records. The whole cdb is only 1,276,699 bytes, which hardly seems

Does anyone feel like doing periodic transfers of the RSS zone, running a
little script to put it in the right format, and publishing it with rbldns as a
test? I may do it myself if I can scare up an extra IP address.


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