> "ms7.url.com.tw" wrote:
> Hi folks:
> I got a problem, I think it could be series. The situation is:
> I want to use Email reader to catch email from
> qmail+vpopmail+tcpserver. First, the mail system will check
> account/password, I sure it ok, it means this is a legal. Now, I want
> to send some email to different people by this qmail system, now, the
> email system response me a error or information message, I can not
> sure what type of messages, is
>     the server may not be accepting connection or may be busy,
>     try connecting again later
> But, I can sure my connection works, and just for send/receive email.
> What can I do???
> Thanks,
> mARS

What does your log say for qmail?  There should be a log for it in
/var/log .  The logs should say what error occurred.

Dale Miracle
System Administrator
Teoi Virtual Web Hosting

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