On Wed, Sep 06, 2000 at 02:06:00AM +0200, Claus Färber wrote:
> Austad, Jay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb/wrote:
> > I am glancing over qmtp.txt and it's mostly quite clear to me, except
> > the stuff about 'safe messages'. If none of the bytes in a safe
> > message can be <0a>, when the hell *do* we see a safe message?
> It's clear that djb's talking about <0a>/LF EXCEPT in line end  
> designators (which can either be CRLF or LF). So basically every message  
> that does not contain LFs that are not line feeds is "safe".

I couldn't gather the "that are not line feeds" part from the docs.

> If a message is not safe, the worst that can happen is that bare LFs are  
> converted to CRLF. This is also true for most SMTP MTAs.


Greetz, Peter.
[ircoper]        [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Peter van Dijk / Hardbeat
[student]        Undernet:#groningen/wallops | IRCnet:/#alliance
[developer]                                _____________
[disbeliever - the world is backwards]    (__VuurWerk__(--*-

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