[smtproutes solution snipped]

> If your patch doesn't help deliver to yahoo.com, then this
> solution wont help either. But it will free up the concurrencyremote
> on your main qmail instance so that it can get on with delivering
> to domains that have sufficient resources to handle their mail
> volumes.

Thanks for the info. We thought of a few forwarding solutions
but wanted to be able to cope with domains on the fly. I'm pretty
sure this one wasn't suggested though so I'll forward it to
the ops team for reference. As you point out though, we still 
can't actually deliver to yahoo which is not good.

> > Being fairly new to this forum, how
> > are patches generally released (we have
> > an internal patch of the normal form) ?
> Sending the URL and description to the webmaster at qmail.org usually
> does the trick. There is no formal location for all qmail patches and
> no formal process of integrating them into qmail.

Ok. Thanks. I'll probably do this. The patch may be
useful to some folks.


Paul Dale

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