On Mon, Oct 02, 2000 at 05:43:42PM -0700, Andras Kende wrote:
> Something like this happened to me a few days before
> I do webhosting and [EMAIL PROTECTED] was set to forward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> there was 2 mail from a merchant account company server and only 1 arrived
> to a hotmail
> inbox (but the logs was telling me forward both 2 mail OK, accepted......)
> set to [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] and all 2 was fine...
> Is there anything like the server says accepted but still not delivers some
> of the email???

Unless there is a bug at the other end, NO.

Show us the logs. So many times people say one thing or think one thing
when it's not the case. The logs tell the truth.  People here can read
the logs.

So, show us the logs.


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