So here's my little story.

I have to relay mail from our MS Exchange Server to the qmail-server (This
server also beeing the firewall).
I did setup everything with tcp-env according to point 5.4 in the FAQ

But this doesn't work (at least not with my RedHat Linux)
The RELAYCLIENT variable just doesn't get set.
Martin Jespersen was a great help in finding the problem.

My simple solution:

Use tcpserver.

This was actually a no-brainer. Now (nearly) everything works fine.

So, why not update this in the FAQ?

instead of using tcp-env I now have a /etc/tcp.smtp file in which I have the
IP-adresses of the servers who are allowed to relay.

I wrote a little startup-script for tcpserver and that was it.
I already moved one other service from inetd to tcpserver.
I'll probably shutdown my xinetd alltogether.


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