On Mon, Oct 16, 2000 at 02:19:52PM +1100, Brett Randall wrote:
>is addressed to my e-mail address (in the To: header), so it isn't a
>normal, cheap one that simply connects to many many servers, it

Here's what I've done to combat unsolicited commercial e-mail:

   I don't give out my real address.  Pretty much ny time I give out an
   address (submit it on a form, give it to a company I'm dealing with,
   put it on a web-page or mail list), I use a one-time address.  Like,
   "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".  If I'm signing up at the foobar.com web site,
   I'll use "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".  You get the idea.  Particularly
   useful on Usenet where I use "jafo-200010" (year-month) so I can
   gradually expire them as the UCE picks up.

   I bitch and moan and boycott companies that I do business with who
   sell or otherwise provide my address to others (remember, I can tell
   because of the above).

   I used the badrcptto patch so that in addition to rejecting on the envelope
   from address, I can do the same with the to.  I used to use a bounce, but
   the UCE almost always had invalid return addresses so I just started
   refusing e-mail for it.

   I set up a filter for my inbox which sorts out things based on recpieint,
   does a MAPS lookup as it's being put in my mail folder, and other fairly
   complex rules, and sorts them out.  See ftp.tummy.com:/pub/tummy/pyspam
   for the code as it is after a week of poking.

All this has reduced the UCE going in to my main box to about 2 messages per
day.  This is on an address I've had for a decade, mind you, and I have in
the past gotten 10 or more UCE messages per day.

I did an evaluation of a SMTP filter program last weekend, and while it
was thorough, I didn't like it.  Cost around $5k per machine, and just
was fairly inflexable.  I mean, if you're charging those rates, you're
selling to large customers (ISPs, businesses, etc).  The problem is that
this was an all or nothing, it had no ability to tune it on a user-by-user
basis.  I can just hear the users calling in "I'm waiting for an imporant
e-mail, but it's getting bounced.  FIX IT!"

 "I feel so insignificant...  Like people are laughing at me."
 "You--You ARE a clown..."  -- Bob Newhart
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
tummy.com - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

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