"Yamin Prabudy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>ORBS sez:
>... As ! is
>a standard network addressing indicator, this can only be charitably
>described as yet another Qmail bug.

qmail's handling of !'s in not in violation of any of the mail RFC's.

>Qmail is extremely network unfriendly
>and has been known to cause effective denial of service attacks on other
>mailservers in its enthusiasm to deliver as many messages as possible in a
>short period of time. For this reason it is best reserved for mailing list
>server purposes only.

This is great. Let me paraphrase:

  "qmail is overzealous when delivering lots of messages to lots to
  users. Therefore, it should be used on mailing list servers, where
  this problem is most pronounced."

Does that make *any* sense, even if you buy the premise? No. It's
exactly backward. If qmail's rapid delivery rate is a problem, the
*last* place you want it is a mailing list server where a single
message multiples into hundreds or thousands of deliveries.

I use qmail with a concurrencyremote of 500 on my list server, and in
almost five years of service I have not received a single complaint.


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