"J.J.Gallardo" wrote:
> "Roberto Samarone Araujo (RSA)" escribió:
> > I need a Webmail to use with qmail Maildir . I've tried sqwebmail but , I
> > didn't get it running right because I want a webmail that have support for
> > portuguese language . There are a sqwebmail portuguese version but , I can't
> > compile it bacause some errors appear .
> There isn't a "spanish" sqwebmail version, and so, i have to compile english
> version and latter  i've  translated all the HTML pages to my language and ... i
> don't cry. Only work (two or three hours, no more). Sqwebmail is a great
> webmail. Traduce the html pages and be happy.


You should look at:


Daniel Augusto Fernandes (DAF tm)               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GCSNet                                    http://www.gcsnet.com.br/
                     Se você não encontra
                     o sentido das coisas
                     é porque este não
                     se encontra, se cria.
                                   Antoine Saint-Exupéry

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