On Sun, Dec 10, 2000 at 10:31:24AM -0500, Steve Manes wrote:
>I know what port 25 is and, no, it's not blocking incoming connections.  It 
>seems to be blocking outgoing connections.  But if you look at the script 
>you'll see that port 25  is open both ways:

Ahh, I didn't notice the output rule.  I don't tend to use output rules.

># SMTP server (25)
># ----------------
>ipchains -A input -i $EXTERNAL_INTERFACE -p tcp \
>     --source-port $UNPRIVPORTS \
>     -d $IPADDR 25 -j ACCEPT
>ipchains -A output -i $EXTERNAL_INTERFACE -p tcp ! -y \
>      -s $IPADDR 25 \
>      --destination-port $UNPRIVPORTS -j ACCEPT

This rule includes "! -y", which means "match all rules *EXCEPT* those with
the SYN bit set".  But, this is only for responses *FROM* your SMTP port.
The log lines you posted indicate it's connecting to a remote SMTP port
when it gets blocked, which isn't covered above.  There should be a
section for "outbound connections", which is what's getting blocked.

>In fact, the script doesn't firewall any outbound traffic in eth0, only 
>input.  That's why this is weird.  The error log throws occasional mentions 
>about "SYN" (above) so I wonder if it's a problem with that.

What's the default policy on the output interface?  Deny?  If the script
doesn't mention outbound connections, that would be the problem...

 I never thought I'd live in a country where physical violence would be used
 to disenfranchise voters.  Have you heard about Bush supporters rioting?
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
tummy.com - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

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