>As for updating qmail, I would be all for a new version of qmail with some
>of the more useful (nearly mandatory) plugins already added.  A couple I can
>think of is the oversize DNS packet patch for qmail,

Nowhere near mandatory.

>and possibly
>qmail-scanner ( with the option to disable it if not needed).  After last
>nights virus fiasco on this list, is there anyone who doesn't think it might
>be a welcome addition to a standard qmail install?  : )

Yep: me. Which is worse, 20 messages sent to a list with the same
virus, or 20 messages sent to a list with the same virus followed by
20*N warning messages from N friendly virus scanners around the world?

>As for who would decide what is useful and what isn't?  I would assume DJB
>or perhaps a small panel of qmail experts appointed by DJB could vote on
>additions to the mail install.

DJB has already decided which he considers useful enough to warrant a
new release: none of them.


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