On Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 10:39:26AM -0700, Dan Egli wrote:
> I have a tcprules file the directory it appears my predecessor left the
> setup files in, and acording to the runline in PS (I still cannot find where
> he is actually launching tcpserver for smtp but it is running) the file
> should be /var/service/qmail-smtpd/tcprules.cdb

tcpserver is running from /var/service/qmail-smtpd/run. /var/service
is your service directory, as used by svscan (which is also running,
probably). Read up on it at http://cr.yp.to/daemontools.html

> This file does exist, and it is readable, containing the following rule:
> 209.254.33.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""

ok. Here's the fix.
- rename the file to 'tcprules' instead of 'tcprules.cdb'
- add a line at the bottom that just says ':allow'
- type 'tcprules tcprules.cdb tcprules.cdb.tmp < tcprules'
- Done. Hopefully.

Some recommended reading for you:
http://www.qmail.org/ (with links to all kinds of documentation)
http://cr.yp.to/ (with the author's documentation for qmail, including
a FAQ).

Greetz, Peter.

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