>So what is qmail-smtp being used for?

Assuming you mean /var/log/qmail/smtpd/current, it's used by tcpserver
to log connections to port 25.

>i also don't really understand how multilog knows to pull information for
>smtp as opposed to send since the run scripts are practically identical,
>just in different locations (/var/qmail/supervise/(smtp or send)/log/run,
>and point to different directories to store the log.  I'm guessing either
>multilog or supervise knows that since it's in the ../smtp or ../send
>directory to gather information from the process started in there?

Multilog doesn't decide where messages go. It just reads messages from
standard input and writes them to the appropriate file in the
configured directory. Typically, qmail-send writes to one place (e.g.,
/var/log/qmail, and tcpserver writes to another
(/var/log/qmail/smtpd). This is usually configured in log/run script
(e.g., /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send/log/run or


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