"Dario Dal Ben" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>During the tests I have verified, with qmail-qstat, that the number of
>messages in the queue grows enough fastly
>and that the concurrency-local does not exceed 10/40 (as visible in
>During the test the free RAM remains around to 512MB and syslogd doesn't
>exceed 50% of cpu load.
>Now the question: why concurrency-local doesn't exceed 10/40?

It could be the qmail-send bottleneck. qmail-send does a big loop
where it processes new messages and passes them off to qmail-lspawn
and qmail-rspawn. If you have a fast enough stream of incoming
messages, qmail-send will be too busy handling them to keep
qmail-*spawn busy.

>Thinking that it can aid me resolve 10/40 concurrency problem, I've tried to
>apply big-todo.patch and big-concurrency.patch but I do not succeed.
>make setup check stops because concurrency limit is set greater than 255;
>the patch has set concurrency limit in qmail-spawn to 1000.
>The steps that I have followed are:
>tar xvzf qmail-1.03.tar.gz
>cd qmail-1.03
>patch -p0 < /tmp/big-todo.patch
>make setup check
>Where is the mistake?

Can't tell. Did you install the big-concurrency patch first?
Successfully? Frankly, I doubt either of these patches will help


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