flint <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >You can either use queue-fix to replace/fix the (non-existent?) queue, or
> >restore from your backups and THEN use queue-fix to fix the queue.
>   I have fix the queue using queue-fix. It unlinked some file under
>   /var/qmail/queue/remote, but now I still can see the Warning messages in
>   the maillog? Is there something wrong?

Did you run queue-fix while qmail was running?  That would be bad.  Stop
qmail, run queuefix, then re-start qmail.

> I have noticed for days,now it becomes more and more unbearable. That is,it
> is very slowly when we receive mails through POP3. The strange thing is that
> when you have received the mails then receive mails again immediately, it is
> very quickly.

This was not a good reason to remove the queue.  qmail-pop3d doesn't look for
mail in the queue anyways; it looks in the user's mailstore (~/Maildir/

Your problem could be ident and DNS lookup timeouts from tcpserver.
Investigate the possibility of turning off ident lookups, and either
disabling DNS lookups or fixing your DNS resolver/content server.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

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