Peter Cavender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The LWQ description of setting up pop3 for qmail only
>says to put the tcpserver command in the qmail startup file.
>Shouldn't this "service" be supervised by svscan?

Ideally, yes.

>Why do the other qmail processes get this, but pop3 does not?

Because the POP3 section of LWQ doesn't assume that everyone reading
it installed qmail using the LWQ directions--and I've been too lazy to
add a blurb with LWQ-specific POP3 installation instructions.

>Also, I am moving towards eliminating inetd, and have set up in.telnetd to
>be run by tcpserver in a line in rc.local (RH Linux 6.2 here).  In the
>inetd.conf file, it runs in.telnetd via /usr/sbin/tcpd.  In the man page
>is says that tcps does some logging and other stuff, but I see no signs of
>it.  When I try to use tcpserver->tcpd->in.telnetd, it doesn't
>work.  Remove tcpd and all is fine.  Should I be happy discarding tcpd?

Yep. It doesn't do anything tcpserver can't do.

>Also, since my inetd.conf file is now *empty*, can I disable it
>altogether, or or will I lose essential internal services?

Sure, nuke it.


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