
I have four FreeBSD machines and one as the mail/smtp server. We use the
qmail (1.0.3 I think) + vpopmail + qmailadmin setup which works great. The
problem is that on the other three, from all of FreeBSD's nice security mail
the machine automatically generates, they end up filling /var/mail on each
yet the MX for our domain points to mail. I was figuring I'll need smart
relay (DS)
in sendmail.cf but what exactly should I do to each machine and the
mailserver to
get all the local mail they send end up sending to my admin@domain account
(for all
the IT/networking staff?) I fdound a few references on the FAQ but nothing
definitive.. adding something like this to the FAQ would be good since it
seems to
be a common problems.

Thanks alot. (Please reply directly to this mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) since
I'm not
on the list))

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