On Thu, Mar 08, 2001 at 08:52:27AM -0600, Charles Cazabon wrote:
> > It would be a violation of RFC 1123, which states:
> [...] 
> >          The HELO receiver MAY verify that the HELO parameter really
> >          corresponds to the IP address of the sender.  However, the
> >          receiver MUST NOT refuse to accept a message, even if the
> >          sender's HELO command fails verification.
> Interesting; I have never agreed with refusing email based on the DNS
> of the HELO or envelope sender, but didn't realize that (at least for HELO)
> it was actually verboten.
> In real life, of course, there are thousands of domains which do this every
> day.

I actually had fights (over e-mail, luckily) with someone using a
VAX/VMS mailer with lots of anality knobs. He had several complaints
about my qmail boxes. I convinced him to turn off all knobs that rang
alarms whenever one of my boxes mailed him.

The HELO was indeed one of these.

Greetz, Peter.

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