"Brett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I remember reading that the fastest way to send one email to a large number
>of people is through bcc. This was helpful to me because I'm not able to use
>a mailing list since the addresses I send to will be pulled dynamically from
>a database which is always changing. But somehow, populating the bcc field
>with a million names seems like it might not be the best idea to me. I
>understand qmail deletes this field before sending the message out but I'm
>more concerned with whether or not it will be making efficient use of the

Yes, that's efficient.

>Is the queue even used for one message sent to numerous people or is
>it only used for separate messages?

All messages sent using qmail queued.

>If there's a better method than bcc-ing
>everyone, I'm very open to hearing it. One suggestion I got but which I
>can't get to work is:
>cat list.txt | xargs qmail-inject -a <message.txt
>where list.txt is a list of addresses. Is this faster than bcc

No. That creates one message per recipient--lots of disk I/O to do the
same thing as one message, many recipients.


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