On Sun, May 13, 2001 at 05:47:46PM +0200, Patrick Starrenburg wrote:

> Code bloat?? Doesn't seem like an excuse to me to (**possibly** we haven't 
> determined this yet) have a fundamental error in a system because someone 
> doesn't feel like adding code to internationalise something.

Why do you suggest that there may be a "fundamental error in a
system"? Seems like a pretty unlikely conclusion just because the date
is in a format that you don't expect.

As it happens this topic has been done to death many times - you may
want to check the archives. It is not a bug nor is it a "fundamental
error in a system". Rather, it is a known and conscious decision by
the author and is allowed by the standard.

The only way to change this behaviour is for you to patch your version
of qmail - I vaguely recall someone announced a patch here, but the
archives have a better memory than me.


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