You might not like this, but if all fails try this...
close down port 110 and sit by the phone....

Chad Owens wrote:

> I have been tasked with the need to log USERNAMES that are downloading pop.
> The reason is that we use both imap and pop here and want to phase out pop.
> So how can I create a log of all the people using POP (via qpopper) to
> access their mail (delivered with Qmail).  (solaris).
> I can grep the syslog for pop and get REMOTE or LOCAL but it's ip based..
> I need username based logging.
> anyone have any idea? I looked into multi-log but it seems much more in
> depth to implement than I was hoping for.
> -chad

Medi Montaseri, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 408-450-7114
Prepass Inc, IT/Operations, Software Eng.

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