Just switched to qmail and have a slight problem.  We used to log pop3
traffic (logins/logouts) so that we could help people who claim they
couldn't get their mail.  Basically, so we could verify they were even
reaching the server.  I noticed with qmail (also using tcpserver)
doesn't log that by default.  Anyone know how I can log attempts similar
to how sendmail did?  In case anyone's confused about what I'm talking
about, here's a sample of the log sendmail keeps.

May 23 08:30:21 mail ipop3d[12955]: Login user=USERNAME host=HOST
[IPADDRESS] nmsgs=0/0
May 23 08:30:21 mail ipop3d[12955]: Logout user=USERNAME host=HOST
[IPADDRESS] nmsgs=0 ndele=0

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide!


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